HHSC Hosts First Regional Eliminate the Wait Forum In Austin

More than 180 central Texas stakeholders representing behavioral health authorities, jails, law enforcement and the judiciary convened in Austin to discuss national, state, and local best practices in the competency restoration process; engage in stakeholder training sessions on the ETW Toolkit; and develop county-specific strategies to reduce the wait for inpatient competency restoration services.

Associate Administrative Judge Steve Leifman of the 11th Circuit Court of Florida spoke on the importance of collaboration in his keynote address. “The criminal justice system is the repository for failed public policy, Judge Leifman said. “We know what works; we’re just not doing it. There is no single solution. It’s going to take a collaborative effort.” 

For more information on ETW regional fora, reach out to Dr. Simpson at jennie.simpson@hhs.texas.gov.