The Model

The Sequential Intercept Model

 The TA Center facilitates local Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) mapping workshops that bring together community leaders and officials from different agencies and systems to find ways to help people with mental illnesses, substance use disorders, and intellectual and developmental disabilities get treatment instead of being arrested or incarcerated. The day-and-a-half workshops consider community resources and identify strengths and gaps at each step to develop local strategic action plans.

The development of the SIM and its application as a strategic planning tool was supported by the Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration and the National Institute of Mental Health to help detail how people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders come into contact with and move through the justice system. For Texas communities, the TA Center adapted the SIM to reflect the Texas behavioral health system, criminal justice and juvenile justice systems. 

Workshop facilitators assist attendees in:

  • Plot resources and gaps across the SIM.

  • Identify local services to support diversion from the criminal justice and juvenile justice system.

  • Introduce community system leaders and staff to evidence-based practices and emerging best practices related to each intercept.

  • Enhance relationships across systems and agencies.

  • Create a customized local map and action plan to address gaps.

The TA Center developed resources, templates, and tools to support behavioral health and justice system planning in communities across Texas. The Texas Behavioral Health and Justice System Strategic Planning Resource Guide provides an overview of these resources, including:

  • An outline of strategies and frameworks to support behavioral health and justice systems planning;

  • An overview of the Texas Adult and Youth Sequential Intercept Models and how to use each as a strategic planning tool; and,

  • An orientation to online planning resources

Current Maps

SIM Maps Across Texas

Sequential Intercept Model Map


Age Cohort



County Roadmap
Funding Proposal
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What Our Clients Are Saying

SIM mapping has meaningfully engaged elected officials, law enforcement and justice leaders for the common purpose of identifying the gaps within the points of interface between the criminal justice and the mental health systems in our communities. By offering an open door through the SIM mapping, we have experienced invaluable conversations, healing of wounds between agencies, insights into common pressure points deserving a collaborative response, and strategic planning opportunities alongside the powerhouses of our communities.”
  • Andrea Richardson
  • Executive Director
  • Bluebonnet Trails Community Services
SIM mapping brought many agencies to the table to discuss critical needs in our city and surrounding counties. A major accomplishment of our local relationships was the development and implementation of the Community Response Team (CRT). This partnership between the Betty Hardwick Center and the Abilene Police and Fire departments has improved crisis response, prevention and intervention services in our area. One team quickly expanded to two full-time teams. The CRT has served to build bridges and fill gaps for individuals needing mental health assistance and has strengthened relationships between many partnering agencies.”
  • Jennifer Farrar
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Betty Hardwick Center