Interested in Additional Resources?

Learn more about others leading this work and find additional resources at the links below.

  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - Criminal and Juvenile Justice

    SAMHSA promotes early intervention and treatment as healthier alternatives to detaining people with behavioral health conditions in the U.S. justice system. In doing this work, SAMHSA recognizes the balance of public health and public safety priorities.

  • SAMHSA Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center

    SAMHSA's Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center offers communities, clinicians, policy-makers, and others with tools and information to incorporate evidence-based practices into their communities or clinical settings.

    According to SAMHSA, you can find the resource you need by searching via topic area, substance, or condition as well as resource type (e.g., Toolkit, Treatment Improvement Protocol, Guideline), target population (e.g., Youth, Adult), and target audience (e.g., resource for Clinicians, Prevention Professionals, Patients, Policymakers).

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

    BJA strengthens the Nation’s criminal justice system and helps America’s state, local, and tribal jurisdictions reduce and prevent crime, reduce recidivism, and promote a fair and safe criminal justice system. 

  • U.S. Department of Justice - Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office

    The COPS Office is responsible for advancing the practice of community policing by the nation's state, local, territorial, and tribal law enforcement agencies through information and grant resources.

  • National Institute of Corrections

    The mission of NIC is to advance public safety by shaping and enhancing correctional policies and practices through leadership, learning, and innovation.

  • Mental Health Texas

    Mental Health Texas provides learning and treatment opportunities for those coping with mental health conditions and those who support them.

  • Texas Health and Human Services

    HHS works with federally qualified health clinics, medical associations, community partners and local governments to help Texans find the care they need to maximize their health, safety and overall well-being.

  • Veterans Mental Health Department

    VMHD is focused on ensuring access to competent mental health services for service members, veterans, and their families. VMHD accomplishes this task by providing training, certification, and technical assistance across Texas.

  • Texas Commission on Jail Standards

    The Texas Commission on Jail Standards is the regulatory agency for all county jails and privately operated municipal jails in the state. TCJS's mission is to assist local governments in providing safe, secure and suitable local jail facilities through our provision of the following services.

  • Texas Department of Criminal Justice

    The TDCJ works to provide public safety, promote positive change in offender behavior, reintegrate offenders into society, and assist victims of crime.

  • Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs

    The TDHCA is the state agency responsible for affordable housing, community and energy assistance programs, colonia activities, and regulation of the state's manufactured housing industry.

  • Texas Commission on Law Enforcement

    As a regulatory State agency, TCOLE aims to establish and enforce standards to ensure that the people of Texas are served by highly trained and ethical law enforcement, corrections, and telecommunications personnel.

  • Texas Indigent Defense Commission

    The TIDC safeguards liberty by ensuring that Texas and its 254 counties provide the right to counsel guaranteed by the United States and Texas Constitutions. TIDC is tasked with funding, overseeing, and improving public defense in each of Texas county.

  • Texas Juvenile Justice Department

    The TJJD works in partnership with local juvenile boards and juvenile probation departments to support and enhance juvenile probation services throughout the state by providing funding, technical assistance, and training; establishing and enforcing standards; collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information; and facilitating communication between state and local entities.

  • Texas Council of Community Centers

    Texas Council of Community Centers represents the 39 public Community Centers throughout Texas providing services and support for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, serious mental illness, and substance addictions.

  • Sheriff's Association of Texas

    The Sheriffs' Association of Texas is one of the oldest law enforcement associations in the nation that serves the community of sheriffs and other county and local law enforcement officers, federal and state officers, and major industry security personnel in the state.

  • Texas Police Chiefs Association

    TPCA actively seeks to promote the professional practice of law enforcement administration, to represent the membership and the profession on issues of concern, and to encourage high ethical standards of conduct among law enforcement administrators through its code of ethics.

  • Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute

    The Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute provides independent, nonpartisan, data-driven, and trusted policy and program guidance that creates equitable systemic changes so all Texans can obtain effective, efficient behavioral health care when and where they need it.

  • The Hogg Foundation for Mental Health

    The Hogg Foundation is guided in large part by Ima Hogg’s vision for a Texas that supports and promotes mental health and well-being. The foundation takes an inclusive approach through which communities, particularly those that have been historically marginalized or excluded, take an active role in identifying and improving conditions that impact mental health.

  • The Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health

    TIEMH draws on the expertise available within the state to strengthen the workforce, enhance our collective knowledge about effective mental health practices, and facilitate the dissemination of research-supported promotion, prevention, and intervention practices.

Find Local Resources

  • 211 Texas

    2-1-1 Texas, a program of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, is committed to helping Texas citizens connect with the services they need. 2-1-1 Texas is a free, anonymous social service hotline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

National Resources

  • National Association of Counties: NACo Commission on Mental Health and Wellbeing

    Through this commission, NACo will elevate the critical role that counties play in providing high-quality, accessible mental health services, showcase county innovations and solutions and outline the intergovernmental and public-private partnerships required to reimagine and strengthen our nation’s mental health policies, programs and practices.



Medicaid Coverage

  • SAMHSA: National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Care: Best Practice Toolkit

    This toolkit is designed to bridge the gap that currently exists in our continuum of care by solidifying national best practice guidelines that reflects SAMHSA’s view of the standard of care we must expect in our communities.

  • Department of Justice and Department of Health & Human Services Guidance for Emergency Responses to People with Behavioral Health or Other Disabilities

    In response to Presidential Executive Order 14074 - Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety. Section 14 - Promoting Comprehensive and Collaborative Responses to Persons in Behavioral or Mental Health Crisis. This document provides guidance and outlines the application of federal disability rights laws in this area, as well as best practices for responding to crises experienced by people with disabilities, including people with behavioral health disabilities, intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), or other cognitive disabilities, who are deaf or hard of hearing, or who are blind or low-vision

  • Preparing Law Enforcement Agencies for Embedded Clinicians

    As the national 988 Lifeline is being implemented across jurisdictions to directly connect individuals with trained crisis counselors during emergencies, law enforcement agencies are critical in ensuring the proper response to mental health calls. Throughout the county, departments are improving their responses by establishing police-mental health collaborations and including clinicians in their programs. This brief details three tips for leaders in law enforcement who want to prepare their agencies for embedded clinicians and establish a successful collaboration.

  • Council of State Governments Justice Center: Ten-Step Guide to Transforming Probation Departments to Reduce Recidivism

    This publication from The Council of State Governments Justice Center outlines four core practices probation leaders and policymakers should follow when working to reduce recidivism and improve public safety in their communities.

  • Pew Analysis Finds Adults With Mental Illness Are Overrepresented in Probation Population

    A recent analysis of federal data from 2015 to 2019 by The Pew Charitable Trusts found that adults on probation, supervision imposed by the county generally in place of incarceration, are more than twice as likely to have a moderate or serious mental illness as those in the general public. This publication identifies key findings from the analysis and highlights why a mental health approach can improve outcomes.

  • Microskills for Community Supervision Professionals

    This resource can be used to enhance core correctional practice skills and will improve your ability to facilitate behavior change in the people you work with. It takes both technical and interpersonal skills to help people succeed, and you are in the best position to empower individuals to take ownership of their own progress and rehabilitation.

  • Advancing Community Supervision Strategies

    These resources are a compilation of existing practices in community corrections that jurisdictions are implementing around the country. This list is meant to help you sift through the wide array of information available on any number of community corrections topics and present you with what we hope are the best tools currently available.

Find Local Resources

  • Suicide Prevention | Texas Health and Human Services

    Texas Health and Human Services offers a resource guide to suicide prevention both locally in-state and nationwide. Mental health services listed in this guide offer telephone, chat, text and other resources for people who are at risk of suicide.

  • Texas Suicide Prevention Collaborative

    The Texas Suicide Prevention Collaborative supports Texans in their efforts to build the suicide prevention capacity in our state. By connecting Texas communities through local coalitions and other stakeholder groups, TSPC aims to build and use vital prevention resources more effectively across the state and save lives.

National Resources

  • Trevor Project

    The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ young people. Operating as the world’s largest safe space social networking site for LGBTQ youth, they run innovative research, education, and advocacy programs, as well as provide 24/7 life-saving support via phone, text, and chat.

  • American Society for Suicide Prevention

    The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a voluntary health organization that gives those affected by suicide a nationwide community empowered by research, education and advocacy to take action against this leading cause of death. AFSP is dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide, including those who have experienced a loss.

  • 988 Crisis Line

    When people call, text, or chat 988, they will be connected to trained counselors that are part of a national network of over 200 local crisis centers. Trained counselors will connect people with help and support during a mental health, substance use or suicide crisis, 24/7.

  • What Providers Need to Know: Behavioral Health and Brain Injury

    The Mid-America ATTC, National Association of State Head Injury Administrators, and Mountain Plains ATTC offer a tip card on behavioral health and brain injury. Topics covered include what is brain injury, what are common symptoms, intersection with substance use and behavior, screening for brain injury, and more.

Global Resources

  • Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics Can Address Mental Health and Substance Use Needs Across the Criminal Justice System Intercepts

    The Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) model provides support to communities to help ensure that evidence-based care is available for people with mental health disorders or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders who may be involved in the criminal justice system and to minimize incarceration and recidivism risks. There are currently more than 500 CCBHCs operating in 46 states, plus Washington, DC; Puerto Rico; and Guam. A growing number of states are moving to implement the model through a state plan amendment or Medicaid waiver, and individual community mental health and substance use services organizations continue to seek funding through Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration funded CCBHC Expansion Grants.


  • Justice Involved Veterans (JIV) Program

    The Texas JIV Program works to improve veteran services across the entire criminal justice continuum. JIV Managers serve as resources to provide technical assistance and training to Texas Veteran Treatment Courts, partners with local and state law enforcement to deliver officers relevant trainings such as trauma affected veterans and crisis intervention strategies and collaborates with the local jail and state prison systems to better ensure that incarcerated veterans have access to veteran-specific services and programming.

  • Military Veteran Peer Network (MVPN)

    The MVPN is made of Texas Veterans Commission Certified Peer Service Coordinators and their peer volunteers strategically placed within the local mental health authorities across Texas to create a statewide peer-to-peer network for any service member, veteran, or family member. The MVPN provides services including direct peer-to-peer support, training on suicide prevention and military cultural competency, coordination of mental health first aid, and warm-handoffs to local resources based on the individual needs of the veteran and family.

  • Homeless Veteran Initiative

    The goal of the Homeless Veteran Initiative is to improve the accessibility of resources and services for Texas military veterans and their loved ones who are experiencing homelessness or are at-risk of becoming homeless.

  • Justice for Vets

    Justice For Vets is a national organization dedicated to transforming the way the justice system identifies, assesses and treats our veterans, leading the national effort to put a veterans treatment court in reach of every veteran in need. Justice for Vets is committed to ensuring that no veteran is left behind by providing training and technical assistance to help communities bring together local, state, and federal resources to directly serve veterans involved in the justice system due to mental health disorders, trauma, and substance use.

  • Justice Involved Veterans Network

    The Justice Involved Veterans Network (JIVN) is a cross divisional effort at National Institutes of Corrections in partnership with the Veterans Administration working to improve outcomes for justice involved veterans.

  • Tx Cope

    TxCOPE is a network of communities coming together to create an effective response to the overdose epidemic and impact of opioid use. This website provides valuable resources for social service professionals and community members. Additionally, there is also an opioid overdose reporting system to help track important data in combating the opioid epidemic and providing targeted responses.

  • Guidelines for Managing Substance Withdrawal in Jail

    Published as a collaboration between the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, and National Institute of Corrections, this report is designed to support jails (including detention, holding, and lockup facilities) and communities in providing effective health care for adults (18 years of age and older) who are sentenced or awaiting sentencing to jail, awaiting court action on a current charge, or being held in custody for other reasons (e.g., violation of terms of probation or parole) and are at risk for or experiencing substance withdrawal.

  • Knowledge Bites: How to Address Overdose Risks Among People Experiencing Homelessness

    Drug overdose deaths are rising precipitously, with particularly devastating results among African Americans, Latinx people, and American Indians and Alaska Natives. One of the populations most directly affected by this crisis is people experiencing homelessness. Combining the best practices of harm reduction, culturally responsive supportive housing, on-demand treatment, and peer-delivered recovery supports is imperative to break the cycle of addiction, mental illness, and homelessness.

  • Homelessness and Corrections Fact Sheet - U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Corrections

    Overview of homelessness and corrections in the United States, as well as reentry housing programs, housing programs, and resources for jails and prisons.

  • CSG Report: Building Connections to Housing During Reentry

    To help policymakers build sustainable pathways to housing, The Council of State Governments Justice Center, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs’ Bureau of Justice Assistance, conducted the first national survey of state Departments of Corrections reentry coordinators, receiving responses from 37 out of 50 states plus the District of Columbia. This national report outlines current practices, highlighting areas where policymakers can direct efforts to increase connections to housing.

  • Supporting Justice, Behavioral Health, and Housing Collaborations through Federal Funding

    Federal funding can be a key source to support the piloting, initial operations, or expansion of interventions that serve people with behavioral health needs in the justice system. These grants are also often paired with training and assistance to help communities through the challenges of advancing and sustaining new collaborations. This brief presents a range of available federal funding opportunities that focus on criminal justice, behavioral health, and housing.

  • Texas Mental Health and Housing Support

    Texas Health and Human Services's website for Texas Mental Health and Housing Support provides helpful information on housing assessments, community resources, and emergency phone numbers for 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and the Behavioral Health Housing Hotline. The website also provides guided search tools for at-risk homelessness, homeless services, and long-term homeless services. Users can easily find organizations that offer clothing and hygiene assistance in their area by using the website's search by ZIP code tool.

  • The Link Center - Briding I/DD and Mental Health Systems

    The Link Center is an online resource that provides support for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), brain injuries, and other cognitive disabilities with co-occurring mental health conditions. Tools available on The Link Center include resources, technical assistance, announcements, and expertise from the organization's Steering Committee.
